Celebrating 43 Years

Brit Amundson, Owner + President

Brit is involved in many aspects of the company, including financial matters, general staff support and coordination, and project management, among other things.  As the son of TreHus founder Dave Amundson, building has been a part of Brit’s life as long as he can remember.  Growing up, TreHus’ daily affairs were always a normal part of family life and conversation, and as a child, he frequently accompanied his father on jobsite visits.

In his early teens, he began doing small amounts of work for the company during breaks from school – demolition, cleaning the office and jobsites, and other miscellaneous tasks.  During high school and college, he continued to work for the company during school breaks, gradually transitioning from field to office. After living and working in Colorado and Texas for a few years after college, he moved back to MN and started working at TreHus full-time in 2009. He became a minority partner in the company in 2014, and sole owner in 2020.

Brit lives in Chaska with his wife and children.